Daniel 9:21-27
Jer 25:
Neh 2:1-8
Rev 22:12
Hos 6
Matt 24:4-8
Jesus is coming back for the TRUE church. 70 weeks of years,each week being 7 years.
The persecution of the Jewish nation happened before Hitler, during the Roman empire. Upto the crucifixion of Christ,the church had suffered for 483years. There is still one week (7 years) left to go through tribulation.
One could say the week has started with all the Islamic terrorism & the killing Christians all over the world. Earthquakes,hurricanes, blizzards occurring all over.
1 Cor15:50-54
Rev 6:8
Rev 1:3
Rev 21:
John 14:1-3
1 Cor 9:10
Rom 1:8
Tribulation is God's wrath on earth, for 7 years. We must stay constant in our faith in the Lord, for we will be transformed & raptured before God's wrath falls on earth. The first step is to accept Jesus as your personal saviour. But when you believe him,you must be rooted and grounded in Him! True Christians don't lie,don't fornicate outside of marriage, addicted to porn drink drugs. True Christians don't beat their spouses or demean them. True Christians reflect Jesus Christ!
Isaiah 13:9-15
Rev 6:12-17
1 Thes 5:9-11
The time has come to abide in Christ and on the Lord's Word. Otherwise not all of us will hear the trumpet call to rapture. Live your life purely in Christ and you shall be welcomed into Heaven. Stop playing church and truly be about God,wholly and solely!
Rom 13:11-