Sunday 4 February 2018

But This is That

Act 2:16,17,32-39
Joel 2:28,29
Matt 3:11
Acts 1:5,8-11
Mark 16:17

Pentecost is 15 days after Easter.We need to get close to God because when the rapture comes, the Holy Ghost will suspend the laws of physics, gravity, and we shall join the Lord when the trumpets sound. The Holy Ghost is God, he is a He! Do not call the Holy Ghost 'it': For He is the comforter.

Like 24:47-51

Acts 8,10: The Holy Ghost appears many times in the Bible, which is not just kept solely for Christians, He made it available for all to comfort and draw closer to God.

Acts 9: we need to be a bit like Ananias and have ears to hear God.

Acts 19:4-6
We need the Holy Ghost for boldness to be able to witness to strangers and those who do not believe. He was given to comfort us and lead us into living holy, sanctified lives.

John 3:3-8
To receive the Holy Ghost into your life, you need to be born again in the Lord God Almighty,by receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and you shall receive the Holy Ghost as a gift. You must ask and seek Like 11.

Ex 32:26
The law kills, but the Holy Ghost saves.

Acts 4:29-31
We should endeavour to pray in such a manner that shakes the walls and surroundings and bring us out of hiding, out of our shells and be bold and love God boldly.