Sunday 17 July 2016

Understanding the times for the restoration of God's Glory

Ephe 5:14-7
Ephe 1:15-18

1) when there is understanding,leadership is established.
2) gives us the ability/advantage to position ourselves.
3) with understanding the church will not be consumed.

God only needs one person to be the remenant <?> of change eg. Martin Luther King. Noah, Esther.
Christianity is a generational thing, but we must rise up now in order to preserve it to hand over to the future generations.  the church is now the remenant, but we need to understand what God wants nd is doing.
4) until the church sees and understands, God cannot do His work.
Isa 59:19 the comma is in the wrong places should be "...when the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit... "
5) when we awake, the Glory of the Lord will restore us and the land.

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