Sunday 11 September 2016

Church as a family

Rev 7:9-12

When we call church as a family of God,  we must be aware that the word 'family' has different connotations for some people. As not all families are positive

Ephe 12:15
Gal 6:10
John 13:1-3

Accepting God as Father,means you take hus love but must also take his chastisement Heb 12:7-11. You must let God shape you life and correct you from bad behaviour.  God loves us enough to say No,Stop Change how you're behaving. If you do not allow God to discipline you it means you are illegitimate (ie. God is not your father,but someone else,not in the context of out of wedlock )

Gal 1:1,11
Believing brings belonging Ephe 2:12-19. Open up your friendship circle. Make a conscious effort to befriend multiple ethnicities so that you may bring them to church and make your church more cultural ie.have an All Nations Day every week. The devil uses different skintone, accents as a divider of people, let's not let that happen.

"white people have watches, black people have time"

Love, serve,accept,honour,encourage,instruct,submit,bear one another's burdens

Rom 8:4-9

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