Sunday 12 July 2015

The Promiser who is able to keep his promise

Heb 6:12-20

We need to have faith,but mostly patience in God who will fulfill His promise eg.Abraham waited and waited and waited,but the promise made to Him by God did come to pass.Even though he was in his 70s it did come to pass

Gen 12:1-3
Therefore we must be like those described in Heb 6:12,15,18,19.
We need to trust in the Lord even when the promise/blessing isn't fulfilled right now when you want it to be. Wait on the Lord,do not lose your focus on God, like Abraham was by Sarah, get swayed by others interpretation of the promise God made to you...But God cannot bless a product of flesh,one that He had not created for you.

Be patient like the blind man who waited by the pool for 38years. Some promises are fulfilled instantly,others you can wait 12,25,38 years and more. But wait patiently on the Lord,for He will keep His promises to you. They will come to pass.

1 Tim 4:10
Rom 8:24,25
Acts 27:29
Heb 6:11,14

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