Sunday, 26 July 2015

Protect your heart

God will restore the years that the locusts have destroyed.  But when God restores,it wont be what it was before, it'll be a hundred fold better.

Proverbs 27:17
1 Sam 16:(1-6)7
**Proverbs 4:23**

Your heart is what determines the path you'll end up going on. If you're full of resentment and hateful, you get thrown off the course God has put you on.
Our heart is the seat of our conscience, that's why you need to keep it pure and clear and focused wholly on God.

1)Guard your mind as it can become a battlefield as it can rehash the bad thoughts and events in your life. Making you doubt not only yourself, but God's Word as well.
Change your thinking because that affects your heart Prov 23:7.
Believe what God says about you,that you are highly favoured & valued,you are a queen in His eyes: not what the world says about you

2)Guard your eyes Matt 6:22,23. Close your eyes to the enticements the world tries to seduce you with,because the things you may see can fill with the wrong spirit and can darken your heart.

3) Guard your ears Rom 10:17

4) Guard your mouth Prov 16:23. Let our words inspire and encourage be kind and loving Psalm 10:11.

Psalm 19:14

Nature the protection of a good heart by studying the Word of God,fellowship, meditating on God. Rest your heart in the knowledge that God is at the wheel. Don't be fearful nor anxious about worldly matters. Surrender your heart to God Psalm 51:10-12

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