Sunday 16 August 2015

Heb 11:6

The Bible never proves the existence of God. It just starts with, " in the beginning God..."
For He just Was and Is and Is to come.

God's bank will never go bankrupt. Regardless of your circumstances, God has never changed: our faith in Him has changed. If you compare your faith from the first time you were born again,to now a couple of years later, you will find that your faith levels have dropped. You've lost sight of the Grace of God,that's why we don't experience God the same way we used to. God will never fail you. Even though we fail Him all the time. But God is still alive, waiting for us to have faith in Him again,for He will never forget our labour of love.
God will never disappoint you, He is still the miracle worker He has always been,so focus on just Him,not everyone around you or in the world. For the economy of Heaven is more than sufficient, God is more than sufficient!!

We need to allow God to leas us through the wilderness. Even more so when it seems like a blind wilderness when we can't see ahead,we can't see the light in the darkness. Take the Lord's hand and he will lead you to the promised land.

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