Sunday 6 December 2015

Divine Encounters

1 Pet 3:12-14

Where you are currently staying, is a bus stop/ cross road, God is coming to meet you

Acts 12:1-5
Matt 2:19-22
Acts 13:1,2
Mark 6:14,24-28

The Herods lineage have been wicked ones thus far and they were highly hated. This herod finally did something 5o get the Jews onside. The Jews were unhappy that Christmas and his disciples have said that anyone could enter the temple of God. Including gentiles/pagans. 4 Quaterions means 4*4 which is 16 soldiers.

Because you have chosen to serve God, the devil sets his sights on you to make you doubt God and lose your belief in Him. But when you at the crossroad, that is when you should get deeper into prayer. Don't let the devil rake advantage of you impatience.  Be patient, wait on the Lord and keep praying!

John 16:2

Ideology,  religion is the opium of the masses.
God prophecied the atrocities that are currently happening in the world, isis /isil who think they are doing God's work or a service for God. But when you can take alive, God is not in you at all. Do not fear terrorist,  he can only kill you physically. Fear and believe in God who has your soul and determines where it goes!

Favour is the choice of God and it is by God's sovereignty. Never reject Gods grace on your life by questioning your colour/background etc. Accept yourself,celebrate who you are and God will give you power or rather than you can focus fully on God and that makes you powerful for you are secure in yourself.

Acts 12: whole chapter (23)

Believe 8n the prayers you pray. Because if you don't, when God makes them true, your disbelief in it manifesting,could make it disappear. So have faith!! When God exalts you, maintain your humility because God can just as easily drop you down again.

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