Sunday 27 December 2015

Stay obedient to God

Josh 1:4
Josh 3:

We will overcome that 1 obstacle still left to hurdle, with God's ushering. For our 'Jordan River ' still awaits.

God is always ahead of us,so he knows what lies ahead before we ever think of it/See it/smell it/ etc.
Recognise the presence of God and beyond that,  have unwavering faith in God!

Deut 4:7
Josh 4:20
Ephe 3:20

But we need to be obedient!  God always makes a way, clears a path clean and dry and free. We make it difficult for ourselves when we don't pay attention,  when we are obedient to God's Word. That's how we get stuck in thorny briars, or slip on wet rocks, because we want to do things our way instead.

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