Showing posts with label pst steve armah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pst steve armah. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Serve with fervent zeal

Matt 5:16

Your light will shine before men, becausr you live amongst them and the shining of your light is equated to good works.

This doesn't mean they'll to praise you,but praise God because eventually they will see the link between you and thr Lord God. Because they'll see that your light is so special it can only come from Heaven above.

Your good works could be your seal for the Lord.
Titus 2:14
Pslam 69:9
1 Pet 1:22
James 5:16

If you're going to serve the Lord serve him with fervent zeal. These go together and be consistent with it. Let your heart be plain and open. Don't put on a facade as you cannot maintain it for long as the truth will out.

Ephe 6:24
Phil 1:10

Sincerity equals truthfulness. Always speak the wall even when your back is against the wall. This needs courage and you can get that from the Lord.

Matt 25:21

Loving the Lord is first and foremost, then love your neighbour as yourself. You cannot love your neighbour nor yourself if you do not love the Lord first!

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Sorrow will cease

Isi 50: 2
. . .  52: 1-6
. . .  51: 3, 11, 1-2,12,4,7,13

Whatever unfavourable situation you find yourself in, it will end, in the mighty name of our Redeemer Jesus Christ Amen! Continue in God for sorrow shall cease!
Christ is a Deliverer, Saviour and Comforter in Isiah.

It doesn't matter what enemy you are facing, be it family, or work or your finances or your health (physical and /or mental), God has already solved it for you so receive it in faith and truly believe the battle has been won by our Mighty Warrior!

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Stay obedient to God

Josh 1:4
Josh 3:

We will overcome that 1 obstacle still left to hurdle, with God's ushering. For our 'Jordan River ' still awaits.

God is always ahead of us,so he knows what lies ahead before we ever think of it/See it/smell it/ etc.
Recognise the presence of God and beyond that,  have unwavering faith in God!

Deut 4:7
Josh 4:20
Ephe 3:20

But we need to be obedient!  God always makes a way, clears a path clean and dry and free. We make it difficult for ourselves when we don't pay attention,  when we are obedient to God's Word. That's how we get stuck in thorny briars, or slip on wet rocks, because we want to do things our way instead.