Sunday, 27 December 2015

Stay obedient to God

Josh 1:4
Josh 3:

We will overcome that 1 obstacle still left to hurdle, with God's ushering. For our 'Jordan River ' still awaits.

God is always ahead of us,so he knows what lies ahead before we ever think of it/See it/smell it/ etc.
Recognise the presence of God and beyond that,  have unwavering faith in God!

Deut 4:7
Josh 4:20
Ephe 3:20

But we need to be obedient!  God always makes a way, clears a path clean and dry and free. We make it difficult for ourselves when we don't pay attention,  when we are obedient to God's Word. That's how we get stuck in thorny briars, or slip on wet rocks, because we want to do things our way instead.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Thus far

1 Sam 4-(7):12c,3,4,9,10,7,11,13,14

"serve the Lord only." when you cry out to the Lord, when you serve HIM only, HE hears us.
The enemies we see today, we shall see them no more in our territories. Ie your healing will be permanent, your wealth and riches permanent,your miracles permanent Amen.
Everything stolen from you will be restored with great interest Amen!

'Many are the afflictions of men but God will deliver and restore you!'

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Divine Encounters

1 Pet 3:12-14

Where you are currently staying, is a bus stop/ cross road, God is coming to meet you

Acts 12:1-5
Matt 2:19-22
Acts 13:1,2
Mark 6:14,24-28

The Herods lineage have been wicked ones thus far and they were highly hated. This herod finally did something 5o get the Jews onside. The Jews were unhappy that Christmas and his disciples have said that anyone could enter the temple of God. Including gentiles/pagans. 4 Quaterions means 4*4 which is 16 soldiers.

Because you have chosen to serve God, the devil sets his sights on you to make you doubt God and lose your belief in Him. But when you at the crossroad, that is when you should get deeper into prayer. Don't let the devil rake advantage of you impatience.  Be patient, wait on the Lord and keep praying!

John 16:2

Ideology,  religion is the opium of the masses.
God prophecied the atrocities that are currently happening in the world, isis /isil who think they are doing God's work or a service for God. But when you can take alive, God is not in you at all. Do not fear terrorist,  he can only kill you physically. Fear and believe in God who has your soul and determines where it goes!

Favour is the choice of God and it is by God's sovereignty. Never reject Gods grace on your life by questioning your colour/background etc. Accept yourself,celebrate who you are and God will give you power or rather than you can focus fully on God and that makes you powerful for you are secure in yourself.

Acts 12: whole chapter (23)

Believe 8n the prayers you pray. Because if you don't, when God makes them true, your disbelief in it manifesting,could make it disappear. So have faith!! When God exalts you, maintain your humility because God can just as easily drop you down again.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Be thankful

Phil 4:4-6

As a Christian we are called to be joyful, peaceful at all times regardless or what's going on around us. Because we are living in a world where it's hard to find peace,even the church is confused and drowning. For we should be the beacon of peace and hope for the rest of the world.

John 14:1
Luke 21:10-12
James 5:7,8
Isaiah 54:2

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Unity of the Church:May we be one!

The word of God is the only constant in this world. You have the recession, EU is collapsing, refugee influx; everything is changing and shifting. But God is forever constant.

John 17:20-26
This is Jesus' prayer for the disciples,that is us/Christianity as a whole. Therefore regardless of the church's name or your denomination, if you're a Christian we must be united in one voice.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

God's generational relationship

Mark 5:34,41,25

This chapter alone focuses on 3 of Jesus' miracles.

Especially the woman with the issue of blood. She pressed on through all the discouragement from the throng around her,being pushed down and away by Christ's very disciples too,but she had tremendous faith and felt the pull of Christ and all she did was touched His hem and she was fully healed. The intensity of which Christ felt, her faith. Faith is a very powerful thing.

The little girl He was on his way to see passed away in that transit. But God is never late,Christ is never late. He always comes on time. At your very hour of most need,He is always there.

The woman with the issue of blood for 12yrs. And there's a little girl who was 12, who passed. The older and the younger generation came to a point where Jesus is at the centre of it all. It may seem as if Christ is only focused on the younger generation as He is moving towards the child. Yet in the same token,He healed the older generation. But this is deliberate in that as we are on our walk with God,we still focus on the things around us,finance, health,everything but Jesus.  So the message there was to press on. Christ is always there, you just have to switch your focus and press on and touch Him. This could be seen as an epitome of our Christian life and growth. The child always need guidance and help and feeding and changing etc. A child needs more care than an adult who knows what they've done wrong and right in their life.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Ephe 2:8,9
Luke 15:10-12,18-20

God is always looking out for you.Like the prodigal son,God has His arms open wide to embrace us with a kiss.Always! 

God's grace will always find you at your point of need. All things are working for you,through God's grace. Even things seem to be going horribly wrong at every turn.

Heb 11:1,6,34-37

Faith is,just as God is: all present tense. Whether you feel good or bad,believe God's Word. We must not just have faith though, we must also be committed!  For God is bigger than what we think. Faith is the opposite of fear and worry. God can reverse it all.  2 Cor 5:7 "Walk by faith, bit by sight" look beyond reality because faith is based on truth,you will always get 'facts' from reality.But God is the truth,so what does He say?!

God's grace is always upon your life even when things in your life go wrong.Just don't lose faith in God,for His grace is upon you.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The influence of doing God's will

Rom 14:12-22

As. Christian we influence people subconsciously. We may do things that may not seem wrong or questionable. But to others looking at us as an example may find it disappointing if for example we wear skimpy clothes or drink liberally.

When you become Christian, there are always some who would like to see you fall. Because now you're holding up a mirror to the world..

Neh 4:1-6
Acts 8:26-31

It is for our benefit to follow the Lord's instructions, for we don't know the actions that us obeying may be a catalyst for. For Philip obeying God,by leaving his congregation and going to one man, became the catalyst of bringing Christianity to Ethiopia and saving a nation and nations to come.

Acts 9:26-29

Saul became Paul. Whom at the beginning was a killer of Christians. At his conversion, the disciples feared him.But God has spoken to Barnabas to be Paul's 'sponsor', explaining his transformation to the others and he preached and won many a soul for the kingdom of God. Had Barnabas not obeyed God and sponsored Paul. He may have become discouraged,he may have then thought I was right in the beginning to the Christians thus killing again with more vigour.
But beware. Pray for discernment, so that you are actually doing God's will.

Heb 11:6

The Bible never proves the existence of God. It just starts with, " in the beginning God..."
For He just Was and Is and Is to come.

God's bank will never go bankrupt. Regardless of your circumstances, God has never changed: our faith in Him has changed. If you compare your faith from the first time you were born again,to now a couple of years later, you will find that your faith levels have dropped. You've lost sight of the Grace of God,that's why we don't experience God the same way we used to. God will never fail you. Even though we fail Him all the time. But God is still alive, waiting for us to have faith in Him again,for He will never forget our labour of love.
God will never disappoint you, He is still the miracle worker He has always been,so focus on just Him,not everyone around you or in the world. For the economy of Heaven is more than sufficient, God is more than sufficient!!

We need to allow God to leas us through the wilderness. Even more so when it seems like a blind wilderness when we can't see ahead,we can't see the light in the darkness. Take the Lord's hand and he will lead you to the promised land.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Protect your heart

God will restore the years that the locusts have destroyed.  But when God restores,it wont be what it was before, it'll be a hundred fold better.

Proverbs 27:17
1 Sam 16:(1-6)7
**Proverbs 4:23**

Your heart is what determines the path you'll end up going on. If you're full of resentment and hateful, you get thrown off the course God has put you on.
Our heart is the seat of our conscience, that's why you need to keep it pure and clear and focused wholly on God.

1)Guard your mind as it can become a battlefield as it can rehash the bad thoughts and events in your life. Making you doubt not only yourself, but God's Word as well.
Change your thinking because that affects your heart Prov 23:7.
Believe what God says about you,that you are highly favoured & valued,you are a queen in His eyes: not what the world says about you

2)Guard your eyes Matt 6:22,23. Close your eyes to the enticements the world tries to seduce you with,because the things you may see can fill with the wrong spirit and can darken your heart.

3) Guard your ears Rom 10:17

4) Guard your mouth Prov 16:23. Let our words inspire and encourage be kind and loving Psalm 10:11.

Psalm 19:14

Nature the protection of a good heart by studying the Word of God,fellowship, meditating on God. Rest your heart in the knowledge that God is at the wheel. Don't be fearful nor anxious about worldly matters. Surrender your heart to God Psalm 51:10-12

The Grace of Victory over sin

John 8:1-11
Lev 20:10
Deut 22:22

The Bible says both adulterers shall be put to death, but in John -even though caught in the act- they only brought the woman to be put to death so she had been cheated already

James 2:10
We need to look onto our lives because when we accuse others, we have to back off because we too have sinned in some way. Don't be a harsh judgemental Christian who's quick to condemn others.

Exo 32:30
1 Cor 6:18
1 John 5:17

Every sin is sin,but there are degrees of sin that make some great in a destructive manner,abominations - which lead to death,against the body,and lesser sins. Know the difference as the devil will play on that saying but sin is sin. But there are degrees because the consequences of some may be very diar.

However no-one has the right to condemn another, only Christ the Lord.
Rom 8:34
So we must put ourselves in others shoes. We should not hold our noses up and condemn someone for being an alcoholic,homeless, drug addict, prostitutes. You cannot give up on them when they stumble back into a sinful pattern again.
Rom 8:1 (nkjv)(nasb)

God does not condone sin, but He came to save us from sin,not condemn us
John 3:17
Ephe 2:8,9
Gal 5:1
John 5:14

Sin leads to an instant breakdown in relationship with God. Sin can lead to misery through loss of integrity and guilt.
";go and sin no more" is not kindly advice from Christ to the woman of to us,it's power! Power over sin was given to that woman and thus to us as well

Sunday, 12 July 2015

The Promiser who is able to keep his promise

Heb 6:12-20

We need to have faith,but mostly patience in God who will fulfill His promise eg.Abraham waited and waited and waited,but the promise made to Him by God did come to pass.Even though he was in his 70s it did come to pass

Gen 12:1-3
Therefore we must be like those described in Heb 6:12,15,18,19.
We need to trust in the Lord even when the promise/blessing isn't fulfilled right now when you want it to be. Wait on the Lord,do not lose your focus on God, like Abraham was by Sarah, get swayed by others interpretation of the promise God made to you...But God cannot bless a product of flesh,one that He had not created for you.

Be patient like the blind man who waited by the pool for 38years. Some promises are fulfilled instantly,others you can wait 12,25,38 years and more. But wait patiently on the Lord,for He will keep His promises to you. They will come to pass.

1 Tim 4:10
Rom 8:24,25
Acts 27:29
Heb 6:11,14

Sunday, 5 July 2015


Neh 2:20

Yoi cannot give what you don't have,you can't transfer to the people what's not in your heart.

If you sing you have to sing with passion and conviction for your message to transmit through you into those listening. So if you're a Christian yoi must be full of love and kindness and forgiveness for others to see that light in you and thus drawing them to Christ. Love is the only way to destroy the kingdom of the devil.Being steadfast in God will give you that resolve

Jesus The Light of The World

John 9:39-41
John 8:

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Pst.Gary Rucci aog exec

Isaiah 55:8-11

God's perspective is higher than ours,so are His ways. We are influenced by our perspective/opinions due to our experiences and circumstances. Which can always be challenged and when it comes to God,it should always be challenged for God is quite mosaic.
It's a good thing to be a constant learner

Ephe 3:20
Rom 8:37-39

Our perspective can put limitations in our lives.blocking our potential to be more than we are,to become what God wants us to be. But we must have faith.

Acts 10:28,29

But let God show you,by the revelation of the spirit and be open to it

Luke 6:6-11

God always knows the views of those challenging your faith,but God will always show you the right thing to say,but you must be open to Him

Matt 9:1-8

Our perspective must be inline with God's

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Where are we on God's prophetic clock

Daniel 9:21-27
Jer 25:
Neh 2:1-8
Rev 22:12
Hos 6
Matt 24:4-8

Jesus is coming back for the TRUE church. 70 weeks of years,each week being 7 years.
The persecution of the Jewish nation happened before Hitler, during the Roman empire. Upto the crucifixion of Christ,the church had suffered for 483years. There is still one week (7 years) left to go through tribulation.

One could say the week has started with all the Islamic terrorism & the killing Christians all over the world. Earthquakes,hurricanes, blizzards occurring all over.

1 Cor15:50-54
Rev 6:8
Rev 1:3
Rev 21:
John 14:1-3
1 Cor 9:10
Rom 1:8

Tribulation is God's wrath on earth, for 7 years. We must stay constant in our faith in the Lord, for we will be transformed & raptured before God's wrath falls on earth. The first step is to accept Jesus as your personal saviour. But when you believe him,you must be rooted and grounded in Him! True Christians don't lie,don't fornicate outside of marriage, addicted to porn drink drugs. True Christians don't beat their spouses or demean them. True Christians reflect Jesus Christ!

Isaiah 13:9-15
Rev 6:12-17
1 Thes 5:9-11

The time has come to abide in Christ and on the Lord's Word. Otherwise not all of us will hear the trumpet call to rapture. Live your life purely in Christ and you shall be welcomed into Heaven. Stop playing church and truly be about God,wholly and solely!

Rom 13:11-

Actualising the resurrection power in our lives

Phil 3:1-10
Reconnect to Jesus, we must ardently desire this, like the disciples did. God alone must have prominence in your life.

Read and know the Word for yourself, so that you will not be gullible and fall for any falsehood. That's why when you face battle you can't stand cause you don't have the full armour of God. Have a new desire for the Word.

Rom 1:18-32

You can't hold onto worldly desires as well as Christ at the same time. You can't be a hoarder when it comes to the Lord. You must choose. And choose the Lord ; that's when your desire will manifest,if they are in accordance with God's desires for you as well.

Psalm 23
Psalm 2
Psalm 35
The Lord will laugh at your enemies, for He'll enable you to rise above them and lay a table for you in their presence. On this resurrection morning,all that was dead,your finances,health,work it is all back to life for you serve a more than a conquering God. Through Him,you are a winner.

Heb 12
We must lay aside all sins that so easily beset us. Don't just quote the first part of  Rom 8,read the entire verse. So that when we call on and to God,He will actually answer us and we will hear Him clearly because He lives within us.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

18th Jan 2015

By God is the designer & Jesus the builder & owner of the church. Christ commissioned the church which is a living organisation.
God speaks into our lives personally, we just need to allow him in.
We need to stand & stay united in the church & thus victorious.

Matthew 18:15-20
The church consists of brothers n sisters,therefore we are a family. So hold on to our relationship/bonds between each other. We are family because of the blood of Christ.
Strive to solve any problems amicably. We are involved in each other's lives,so we must be disciplined in order to stay on the right path. The church is a chanel of God's authority on earth, so we must exercise it.

We must train ourselves to be ready for God to be continuesly in our midst.pray n pray,keep your soul conditioned for God.

You never know when God will come to church,for that is His local presence in the community. One person by themselves is not a church.there needs to be at least 2 for God to dwell among you

Col 3:5
Cori 14:40

The church is not perfect, so we need to be love,patient n forgiveness. We need to exercise these traits. Cause the Lord said we need to be prepared to forgive 70x7 times, we need to keep loving.
We must strive to fellowship, in church,with our brothers n sisters

2thess 1:11,12 Pst Ron Eske

Sunday, 4 January 2015

You will not be put to shame

Joel 2:21-27,  emphasis on verse 25

Godliness with contentment is a great gain: Ps.Steve Armah

1Tim 6:5-10

Pias does not mean poverty,this is not biblical.
=>gain in this instance means satisfaction
Poverty is not our destiny,God is a giver. Pious means, being humble regardless of your financial situation

2Peter 1:5-8

=> godliness also means perseverance.
We will all go through trials & temptations but we must perserver & push through in God.

2Tim 3:1-5
Matt 6:1-18
John 8:29
Gal 1:10
1Tim 4:8
Phil 2:12,13
Ephe 3:
1Tim 2:1-2

Your worth or happiness is not based on your wealth & possessions. Contentment is being grateful & happy at your current space in time.

*Phil 1:21
Col 2:6,9,10
1Pet 2:9
Psalm 51

David was a man after God's own heart,because he never covered hus sins.he confessed them when he messed up & humbled himself before God,even being a king.

2kings 18:
John 6:28